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The Use of So, Too, Either, And Neither

We already have talked about rejoinders in English. In the article below I am going to elaborate the use of so, too, either, and neither in English along with exercise in the end.

The Use of So, Too, Either, And Neither
The Use of So, Too, Either, And Neither

The Use of So, Too, Either, And Neither

 When you agree with the speaker…

A: I like ice cream. B: Me, too. or I do, too. or So do I.

A: I can play the piano. B: Me, too. or I can, too. or So can I.

A: I am hungry. B: Me, too. or I am, too. or So am I.

A: I don’t like hamburgers. B: Me, either. or Neither do I. or I don`t either.

A: I can’t cook. B: Me, either. or Neither can I. or I can`t either.

A: I’m not tired. B: Me either. or Neither am I. or I`m not either.

A: I joined the IHLP class at Learnesl yesterday. So did I. or I did too.

A: I didn`t go to Mazar –e Shareef during New Year. I didn`t either. or Neither did I.

A: I have never been to Iran. I haven`t either. or Neither have I.

A: I won`t vote for anyone in coming election. I won`t either. or Neither will I.

Note: In the sentences above, a third person (C) would say the same thing as the second person (B)

When you don’t agree with the speaker…

A: I love fried fish. B: I don’t. C: I don’t either. or Neither do I.

A: I am tall. B: I’m not. C: I’m not either. or Neither am I.

A: I can sing. B: I can’t. C: I can’t either. or Neither can I.

A: I don’t like chocolate. B: I do. C: I do, too.

A: I’m not Canadian. B: I am. C: I am, too.

A: I can’t speak English. B: I can. C: I can, too.

A: I didn`t have breakfast today.      B: I did.          C: I did too


Complete the sentences below by using so, too, either, and neither.

  1. A:I like to play tennis. B:_________________________________________. (You like to play tennis.)
  2. A:I can’t swim. B:___________________________________________________. (You cannot swim.)
  3. A:I’m not going to school today. B:________________________________. (You are not going to school)
  4. A:I don’t have a son. B:______________________________________________. (You don’t have a son.)
  5. A:I can’t speak Russian. B:___________________________________________. (You cannot speak Russian.)
  6. A: I didn`t like the party last night. B:______________________________( You didn`t like the party)
  7. A: I like A lingua System a lot. B: ___________________________________ (You like A lingua System)
  8. A:I like to drink beer. B: I don’t. C:____________________________________. (C does not like beer)
  9. A:I can’t hear the teacher. B: I can’t either. C:____________________________. (C can’t hear the teacher)
  10. A:I’m not happy. B: Neither am I. C:________________________________________. (C is not happy)

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