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How to Write a Daily Report in 5 Simple Steps – What to Include – Sample of Daily Report

Being an employee of an office or department you will be asked to write and submit daily reports to your boss or supervisor about the tasks and activities that are being done within the workplace. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be daily, either it can be weekly monthly or yearly reports. If you are the person in charge of submitting reports, and yet you don’t know how to write daily reports and what to include in the reports, don’t worry about the writing process. Because here in this article, I am going to tell you all in one page, the 5 simple steps to follow and write a perfect report and what you need to include in the report along with a report sample.

What is a Daily Report?

A daily report is indeed a document that contains all the details on how the employees spent their workday including all the achievements and challenges they faced. The document is prepared by employees and sent to their boss or supervisors. Sometimes the report also outlines the following workday activities.

Advantages of Writing a Daily Report

Writing a daily report has many advantages to the employees, boss, and company as it provides an overview and describes each member’s tasks and progress. On the other hand, it saves the time of a daily meeting and keeps the manager informed about the completed tasks so that manager can distribute new tasks.

What to Include in Daily Report

If you write the report each day then it should be short and concise and should refer to the activities and achievements of the specific work period. But if you are writing a monthly or yearly report then it can be long and elaborated where you need to include the achievements and activities of that monthly or yearly report.

You should include the following aspects in daily, monthly or yearly report:

  • Details about the completed tasks and achievements
  • The time spent on the task
  • The time and day when the tasks were accomplished
  • Any resources and budget that were used
  • Any problems and challenges arose in the activity process
  • The following day/month/year work plan

Now that you got an overview of what a daily report is, the advantages of daily reports, and what you should include in it, you can proceed and follow the following steps to write a perfect daily report.

How to Write the Best Daily Report in English

1. Add a Header

Add a header in the top right corner of the page and you should also add the date when the report was created. Moreover, you should add your name and the department name that you are appointed in to declare it to the boss where the report is coming from.

2. Add Briefly Outline of the Achievements and Accomplishments

Start the section off with the “Completed tasks” and include every single completed achievements and task also point out the important goals that were met and done during the period. Adding the achiever’s name and tasks done by them give them positive points and they will be rewarded sometimes.

3. Planned Tasks for Tomorrow

In this section, you need to put in what needs to be done for the next day, week, or even month. Adding what needs to be done in advance will make the supervisor as well as the employees ready for the tasks. In this section, you can also add the possible problems and challenges you could face and could delay the completion of the project.

4. The Issues and the Employees Comments

In every project being done there always will be certain issues, problems, or challenges in the procedures that could have an impact on employees’ activities and performances. So you have to point out all those problems that have happened during the process of the work. It is also good if you provide and take the feedbacks and comments of the employees in order to prevent further issues and improve the state of the office.

5. Proofread Your Report

The last step for a perfect report is proofreading. When you are done with your report writing, try to reread the report and make sure that it contains no error. You can use tools for proofreading that will check and rectify the mistakes on your report. Eventually, you have to save the file and store it in a folder on your computer. You can either email the report to your boss or print out a hard copy and submit it to your supervisor.

Sample of Daily Report

The following report is just an example on a team project that involves creating a new employee training program. This is just to give you a clue on how the report is written.

Report for January 10, 2021

Anne Jonas


Tasks Completed:

  • Decided available space for the training program.
  • Made a list of possible training times and dates.
  • Divided employees into 5 groups of 10 each for training purposes.
  • Made class to three different outside first aid and waiting on pricing.

Possible Problems:

  • Training for everyone individually can be expensive. Will know more once we receive pricing.
  • Another idea is to assign a smaller group to learn these activities.

Plans for Tomorrow:

  • Determine to price
  • Decide how many employees are budgeted to receive training
  • Set times of training

This is just a very short daily report of a project. You can add your own report adding accomplishments, problems and tasks for the following day project.

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