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Anchoring Script For Speech/Debate Competition

Anchoring Script For Speech/Debate Competition
Anchoring Script For Speech/Debate Competition

Speech Competition:

A speech competition is a contest among students especially English learners aims to foster public speaking skills. In a speech competition, the students are given a title to create their own speech and speak in front of an audience or peers.

Debate Competition:

Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on a particular topic. In a debate, the participants argue for opposing viewpoints. Debate occurs in public meetings, academic institutions, and legislative assemblies. It is a formal type of discussion, often with a moderator and an audience, in addition to the debate participants.

In this article, you will find some best lines to host a speech/debate competition among participants, in public meetings and academic institutions.

Anchoring Script For Speech/Debate Competition

Script 01:


Host 1: Greetings to everyone, ladies and gentlemen, renowned judges, prominent instructors, and our bright contestants! We are delighted to have you here for the (School/College Name) Annual Debate Competition! The amazing [Co-Host’s Name] is here with me. I’m [Your Name]. We are present to see the collision of ideas, the emergence of eloquence, and the battle of intellects.

Host 2: [Your Name] is correct! We’re in for a thrilling evening full of compelling speech, thought-provoking debates, and maybe a few unexpected plot twists that not even Shakespeare could have imagined.

Introducing the Participants:

Host 1: Let’s take a minute to recognise the true stars of the show—the bright minds that will be taking the stage this evening—before we get into the arguments. Is it appropriate for us to give our gifted debaters a standing ovation?

Host 2: Definitely! These kids have not only prepared arguments; they have also delivered thought-provoking punches that might astound us all. Let’s give them some more praise for their diligence and hard work.

Explaining the Format:

Host 1: Let’s now discuss the structure of the tournament today. There will be [number of rounds] of debating amongst these [number of players]. After each speaker has had [time limit] to make their case, there will be [time limit] for cross-examination and rebuttals.

Host 2: Remember that our distinguished judges are closely monitoring every detail, assessing not only the substance but also the delivery and, of course, the art of persuasion.

Acknowledging the Judges:

Host 1: In relation to judges, allow us to offer our sincere appreciation to our esteemed panel of adjudicators. Even though they have a difficult challenge ahead of them tonight, we are sure they can handle this cognitively challenging battle.

Host 2: Definitely. We really appreciate [Judge 1], [Judge 2], and [Judge 3] providing us their knowledge. You have a tremendous impact on how these debaters develop in the future.

Setting the Theme:

Host 1: The topic of this year’s discussion is [name the topic], according to host 1. It’s a subject that calls for not only information but also the capacity for critical analysis and compelling speech. We’re interested to see how our debaters handle these challenging concepts.

Host 2: Alright, let the discussions start right now! Prepare yourself for an exciting ride filled with clever arguments, humour, and, of course, brilliance. Let the war of words begin!

Transition to the First Debate:

Host 1: [Participant 1] and [Participant 2] are the first two debators prepared to enter the stage. They’ll be delving into the details of [subject]. As they approach the platform, let’s give them a round of applause.

Host 2: Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, because this is going to be a mental marathon. This is the Annual Debate Competition of (School/College Name), where thoughts converge and spark! Now let’s get the discussion started!

Script 02:

How to Begin?

Today is the big day,

To think of how far-flung we have come,

And how far do we have to go?

Along with multifarious struggles and triumphs,

There is much more to thrive and much more to show.

Let’s rejoice in the majestic journey,

This establishment had had up to now,

Let’s raise a toast to make it even better,

Let us take a vow!

A warm good afternoon/evening/morning to all of you present here. My name is (insert your name) and I will be your host till the end of the function. I welcome our honored management/director, well-acclaimed chief guests and guests of honor, and all treasured invitees, revered teachers, and of course our starling participants and students.

How lovely is this day and so does the ambiance and aura surrounding it? Soon the colors of this merriment will unfold and will transport us to another world.

Today we are having brilliant students who will compete in a debate/speech competition and share their views about the given title [Insert title] and bring out their hidden aptitude.

Before the Contest Starts









DANCE is one of the most divine forms Arts. It is much more than just moving your hands and legs. Dance is actually a way to express an individual’s feelings. So get set ready for all the excitement and delight. Save up your energy folks because today we are going to catch sight of some great dances and some great flair. So let’s gear up for a striking beginning of the show. A big round of applause for the little butterflies to come on the stage shows their skills in dancing.

How to Start a Speech Confidently
How to Start a Speech Confidently

Speech/Debate Competition Rules

Ladies and Gentlemen before calling the participants onto the stage let me introduce the panel of juries. We are having horrible Mr. [name] and Ms.[] who will judge today’s contest and select the best of the best speakers. Initially, let me read out the rules given to the participants and the participants are requested to follow the rules and regulations.

Rules of Debate/Speech Competition

Rules differ and are based on academic rules. As an illustration, some rules can be as follows:

  1. Speeches shall not be less than three minutes and not more than five minutes in length. One point shall be deducted for every ten seconds or part thereof over or under this time limit.
  2. No microphones are permitted for Competitors. This is not a musical competition or a dramatic audition.
  3. Speakers, from the beginning, should consider their intended audience to be “the public” – a mixed age group, not simply an audience of peers.
  4. Statements that might be construed as slanderous, embarrassing, or containing gender, cultural, or racial stereotypes are unsuitable for the competition.
  5. Each speaker is questioned as soon as he concludes his constructive speech. The witness must answer the questions without consulting his colleagues.
  6.  No new constructive arguments may be introduced in the rebuttal period. The affirmative must, if possible, reply to the major negative arguments before the last rebuttal.
  7. The judge must base his decision entirely on the material presented, without regard for other material which he may happen to possess.
  8. Any gains made outside of the established procedure are disallowed.
  9. Students must not identify themselves in any way, by name, or by the school.
  10. The decision of the judge shall be final.

Calling the Speakers on The Stage

Now I see all the participants are ready to come on the stage and share their views about the given title. So, who is going to break the ice? Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the first speaker from [Class & School] Mr./Mr. [name] to come on the stage.

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought with ardor and attended to with diligence.- Abigail Adams

“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily.”– Thomas Szasz

Thanks for sharing your precious words and ideas [name]. Now I would like to call the second speaker from class [Name & class] please a big round of applause for him/her to come on the stage.

Call all the speakers…

Calling the Judge to announce the result

We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness, without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost. You the people have the power to make this place a beautiful place to live in, to make it a paradise, then in the name of democracy let us all use the power, let us all unite and make this soiled a paradise to live in. Let’s all pledge to make the world a better place to live and not commit mistakes.

Now I request Mr./Ms. [name] to be present on the stage to announce the best speakers of today’s contest and felicitate them.

Prize Distribution

We have already written some best lines for prize distribution among position holders. You can check in the link:

Prize Distribution Script In English

Related: How To Speak Better In Public

Note: You can copy the given scripts and edit it according to your desire. This is just a clue to give you an idea. Moreover, if you need more scripts please comment it in the comment section below.

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Saina July 7, 2021 at 3:07 am

I need a script for paper bag day .. with speech, morning prayer , thought of the day , Vocabulary words, news headlines and starting and ending lines

Indu July 25, 2023 at 6:10 am

I want host speech for debate village life and city life inEnglish

Diya Dileep July 27, 2022 at 5:55 am

I need an anchoring script for speech

Mona December 5, 2022 at 8:18 pm

Above anchoring script helps me lot….

Mona December 5, 2022 at 8:20 pm

Above anchoring script helps me lot….above speech gives me lot of ideas…it was beneficial…

Arya (not real name) August 17, 2023 at 6:43 am

Helped a lot…

Admin December 28, 2023 at 5:01 pm

Glad it helped you.

Ayush Anil kumar sanju September 16, 2023 at 1:07 pm

I want to participate in it

Ayush Anil kumar sanju September 16, 2023 at 1:08 pm

I want to take participate in it

Chitranshi Singh February 2, 2024 at 5:02 pm

Thanks, it was helpful…


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