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Comparing Script for the Independent Czechoslovak State Day

The Independent Czechoslovak State Day

Until Austro Hungarian Empire collapsed, the land of Czechoslovak State had been a part of the Austro Hungarian Empire. The Empire collapsed at the end of the World War 1. In spite of the Czech area being an industrial region and Slovakia being an agricultural based country, they took the opportunity to become one and a new nation.The Independent Czechoslovak State Day was proclaimed on 28 October 1918 in Prague’s Wenceslas Square. Moreover, the first president of the Czechoslovakia was Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.Like any other citizen, the people of Czechoslovakia celebrate their independence with enthusiasm. The president together with some government members place flowers on the grave of the first president, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. Later, in the evening, the president presents honors and awards to deserving leaders of cultural and social life. The following article covers the Comparing Script for the Independent Czechoslovak State Day

Comparing Script for the Independent Czechoslovak State Day


Anchor 1: Ahoj, Dobrý den, Czechs. Today, we all have gathered here for another landmark of our institution’s (name of your institution) history. This day belongs to all those noblemen who worked and those who work for the cultural and social life. We salute them. So, a big round of applause for them, please.
Thank you, everybody.

I on behalf of (2nd anchor), respected principle and the entire school family, welcome you all to this tremendous event. We are pleased to have you all here with us on this splendor day when (name of the institute) is celebrating the __th year of independence. And we hope you will have a great time with us.

National Anthem

Anchor 2: Ladies and gentlemen, to pay pride for those all struggles, sacrifices, and efforts of our forefathers and for our beloved flag and national anthem, I request you all to stand up.

Anchor 1: Thank you, everyone.

Welcome tableau

Anchor 2: In spite of pride, in erring reason’s spite,
One truth is clear, Whatever is, is right.

At this point, I would like to call upon our cute little fairies for a welcome tableau. Please, put your hands together for them.

Anchor 1: Whoa, it was an outstanding performance by our fairies.

Speech (student)

Anchor 2: Those who have the strength to fight with endurance are only who deserve freedom and liberty to build a strong nation.
For a tribute to the efforts of those who worked to build Czechoslovakia state from the beginning, we would like to call upon (Name of the speaker). So, a round of applause for him.

Speech (principle)

Anchor 2: Here, at this point, we would love to call upon the person who works so hard to build up this institute. Please, a round of applause for him.

Anchor 1: Thank you, sir. We appreciate your hard work and dedication towards this institute.


Anchor 2: There is always an end to every event such as this auspicious event. We are pleased that you joined us today and once again we wish you all a very happy Czechoslovakia Day. And wish you all peace, happiness, love, and prosperity ahead.

I hope the Comparing Script for the Independent Czechoslovak State Day was helpful for you. Please, feel free to share your views in the comment section below.

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