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How to Write an Essay Fast in Eglish – Step by Step Guide

Everyone will agree that college life is exhausting. Because the number of papers that you have read or written doubles every couple of days. Besides homework, college students give up on their health and lifestyle for getting good marks in tests. At the end, when a student graduates, he has abundant snaps of sleepless nights beside his degree in his hand. While in college, we all look for ways that can help us save some time, especially while writing essays. If you too are looking for tips to help you write your next essays assignment in no time, keep reading to learn how to write an essay fast.

Before that, if you struggle with writing an essay, you can click on the link below to first learn how to write an essay.

What are the Basic Steps of Writing an Essay – Beginners Guide

How to Write an Essay Fast – Best Tips

Writing an essay fast is not rocket science indeed. All you need is some actionable tips and tricks to help you in that process. So, try the following tips to help you write your essays in no time.

1. Plan Your Time

Planning is essential. Before you start writing your assignment, ask yourself how much time you have to get your task done. For instance, if you have 60 minutes, consider 15 to 20 minutes for gathering information and outlining, 15 minutes to write the body of your essay, 10 minutes to write create a strong introduction and conclusion, and 5 minutes for revision and editing.

You will see that if you distribute your time evenly and then follow it, you will be able to not only get your task was done in time but also you will indeed write a good essay. With that being said, before you actually start writing your essay, spend at least 1/5 of your time on structuring and planning your essay.

2. Read the Instructions Carefully

The instructions’ paper that your teacher gives you is crucial. Most students avoid reading the instructions and regret later when they have not been able to properly answer the questions that their teacher has asked. Besides, if you have not understood anything well enough, you will be forced to go back to the instructions later. As a result, you will lose focus while writing.

So, before you start writing your essay, take the instructions that your teacher has given, read them carefully, and underline points that you do not understand or understand vaguely. Then, ask your teacher to explain it to you. Next, you are good to start planning your time and outlining your essay. Moreover, one of the best ways to brainstorm your essay is to take a piece of paper and pen than plan in your head only.

3. Research Now, Write Later

The best essays have one thing in common: they are well-researched. So, writing an essay that will get you A+, reading your professor’s instruction, or planning your time evenly is not enough. Even if you write your essay in time, you will not be able to get your target score if you do not have strong arguments.

The good thing is that your college essay research will probably not take too long. So, spend at least 10 minutes reading and collecting related information and ideas to craft a strong essay. Once you have enough information collected, you can spend about 5 to 7 minutes organizing them and making an outline for your essay.

4. Make an Outline

Writing an outline for your essay will help you a lot in writing your essay. You will have your ideas and arguments ready for each paragraph. So, you will not forget what you had to write about in the following paragraph. Moreover, since you have your main ideas written in the outline of your essay, you can add sub-bullets to add the supporting sentences for your arguments.

By creating an outline first, you can also make sure that you do not lose focus while writing your essay.

5. Write a Strong Introduction and Conclusion

Now that you have your arguments read, you can start writing your essay. Some people prefer writing the introduction and conclusion of their essays before they write the body of their essay. But it is totally up to your preference. With that being said, it does not matter whether you write the body of your essay first or the introduction and conclusion.

In the outline of your essay, you already have your main argument that you can use to write your thesis in the introductory paragraph. So to write a strong introductory paragraph, write a hook to instantly grab your reader’s attention. Then, a relevant quote or anecdote followed by your thesis.

Once you have your introduction read, you can write the conclusion which is the restatement of your introductory paragraph, especially of the thesis statement. Also, while writing the concluding paragraph, make sure that you are not using the same phrases and words of the introduction again in the conclusion.

6. Write the Body of Your Essay

The body of your essay is the longest part of your essay. So, spend about 15 minutes writing an intriguing body. However, while writing, make sure that you just write. Do not worry about making any sort of mistakes. Just write!

There should be at least three paragraphs supporting your thesis statement. In each paragraph, your argument should be further supported by some facts and sub-arguments as supporting sentences.

7. Revise and Edit

The last thing to do is read your essay and double-check to see if there is anything that you need to improve. You should also make sure that there are not any grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes in your essay before you hand in your essay to your professor. Or you can ask any friend to help you in editing your essay or you can use an online tool like Grammarly to help you in this step.

Best Grammar Checker in 2022 – Grammarly

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