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Hypothesis Verb Wish in English

Hypothesis: An idea or suggestion that is based on known facts and is used as basis for reasoning or further investigation. And “Wish” is known as hypothesis verb when it is used with past tenses. Read the article below to know how to use hypothesis verb wish in different situations. 

Hypothesis Verb WISH

1: Wish + Infinitive: We use Wish + infinitive to ask something in a very formal situation.

  •  I wish to see the manager, please. 
  • If you wish to reserve a table, please call after five o’clock.

Wish + Object + Full infinitive:

  • We don’t wish our name to appear in the report.
  • I wish him to be here right now.

Note 1: Wish is a non-progressive verb and can’t use in progressive forms.

  • I wish to see the manager, please. (Not I’m wishing to see the manager, please).

Note 2: Wish + direct object are not normal without a following infinitive.

  • I want/ would like an appointment with the manager. (Not I wish an appointment with the manager).

2: Wish + Object for Fixed Expressions: Wish is used with two objects in some fixed expressions of good wishes.

  • We wish you a happy birthday.
  • I wish you good luck in your final exam.
  • We all wish you a speedy recovery.

3: Wish + Past indefinite tense for Present and Future Unreal: We use ‘wish’ with a that-clause (past indefinite) (that can be dropped in an informal style). In this case, Wish doesn’t mean ‘want’— it expresses regret that things are not different, and refers to present and future situations that are unreal, impossible or unlikely.

  • I wish (that) I had a big car.
  • I wish (that) I could speak French.
  • Don’t you wish (that) you could fly?

4: Wish + Past Continuous Tense: We use ‘wish + Past Continuous Tense’ to express that we want to be doing a different action in the present or future.

  • I wish it was raining, But it is not. (Present Continuous Tense)
  • I wish you weren’t leaving tomorrow. (Future Tense)

Note: ‘Were ‘can be used instead of was in this structure, especially in a formal style.

  •  I wish (that) I was a doctor. (Informal)
  • I wish (that) I were a doctor. (Formal)

5: Wish + Past Perfect Tense for Past Unreal: ‘Wish + Past Perfect Tenses’ are used for wishes about the past OR that we want a situation in the past to be different.

  • I wish you hadn’t said that. (It would be nice if you hadn’t said that)
  • Now she wishes she had gone to college.

6. Hope + First form of the verb for the Future Possibility: Wish + Past tenses are not generally used for wishes about things that seem possible in future. We often use hope in this sense.  

  • I hope you pass your exams.
  • I hope you feel better tomorrow.
7: Wish + Would:

We use ‘Wish+ would+ Bare infinitive’ to express impatience, annoyance or dissatisfaction with a present action. OR Sentence with wish+ would express regret or annoyance that something will not happen.

  • I wish you would stop smoking. (You are smoking at the moment and it is annoying me.)
  • I wish it would stop raining. (I’m impatient because it is raining and I want to go outside.)

Note 1: Sentence with wish ….wouldn’t refer to things that do or will happen.

  • I wish you wouldn’t keep making that stupid noise. (You will keep making ….)

Note 2: Wish+ Wouldn’t can be like an order or a request.

  • I wish you wouldn’t drive so fast. (Similar to please don’t drive so fast)
  • I wish you wouldn’t work on Sundays. (Why don’t you stop?)

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