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List of Most Used Abbreviations in Texting

List of Most Used Abbreviations in Texting
List of Most Used Abbreviations in Texting
An abbreviation is a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole word or phrase, as Dr. For Doctor, the U.S for the United States. Abbreviations allow a writer to save time, space and effort. Below you will find a list of most used abbreviations in texting.

How to Form Abbreviations or Short Form of a Word

Abbreviation of single words is typically formed using the first letter or letters of the word (n=noun; adj: adjective), the first letter and the last letter (hr.=hour; Sr=senior) or the most significant letters (TNT= trinitrotoluene; Pvt.Private). Many abbreviations have become standard, including abbreviations for days of the week (Mon. Tues.) and months of the year (Jan., Feb) common Latin term (lb., e.g.) units of time and measurement (min., ft) check for more below.

List of Most Used Abbreviations

  1. Sun.= Sunday
  2. Mon.= Monday
  3. Tu., Tue., or Tues. = Tuesday
  4. Wed. = Wednesday
  5. Th., Thu, Thur., or Thurs = Thursday
  6. Fri. = Friday
  7. Sat. = Saturday
  8. Jan. = January
  9. Feb. = February
  10. Mar.= March
  11. Apr. = April
  12. May = May
  13. Jun. = June
  14. Jul. = July
  15. Aug. = August
  16. Sep. = September
  17. Oct. = October
  18. Nov. = November
  19. Dec. = December
  20. Wi-Fi = Wireless fidelity
  21. ATM = Automated teller machine
  22. SIM = Subscriber identity module
  23. SMS = Short message service
  24. PDF = portable document format
  25. USB = universal serial bus
  26. WLAN = wireless local area network
  27. CCTV = closed circuit television
  28. HDMI = high- definition multimedia interface
  29. AIM = ambition in mind
  30. APN = access point name
  31. AT = advanced technology
  32. BIOS = basic input output system
  33. BYE = be with you everytime
  34. CAN = campus area network
  35. Cisco = certified network associate
  36. CCNP = cisco certified network profissional
  37. CD = compact disk
  38. CDMA = code division multiple access
  39. CDR = compact disk recorder
  40. CD ROM = compact disk – read only memory
  41. CEO = chief excutive officer
  42. CFO = chief financial officer
  43. CISCO = computer information system company
  44. CMD = command
  45. COMPUTER = common operating machine particulary used for technical, education and research
  46. CPU = central processing unit
  47. CSS = cascading style sheet
  48. CTA = call to action
  49. CTR = click through rate
  50. CV = curriculum vitae
  51. DELL = development early language learning
  52. DIR = directory
  53. DOB = date of birth
  54. DOC = document
  55. DVD = digital versatile disc
  56. EAT = energy and taste
  57. ESN = electronic serial number
  58. ESP = email service provider
  59. ETA = estimated time of arrival
  60. ETC. = et cetera
  61. ESN = electronic serial number
  62. FIR = first information report
  63. FTP = file transport protocol
  64. FYI = for your information
  65. GHz = gigahertz
  66. GPRS = genral packet radio service
  67. GPS = global positioning system
  68. GSM = Global system for mobile communications
  69. GUI = graphic user interface
  70. H.S = hotspot
  71. HDD = hard disk drive
  72. HIV = human immunodeficiency virus
  73. HP = hewlett-packard development company
  74. HR = human resources
  75. HSPA = high speed packet access
  76. HTC = high tech computer
  77. HTML = hyper text markup language
  78. HTTP = hyper text transfer protocol
  79. HTTPS = hyper text tranfer protocol secure
  80. IBM = international busniness machines coroporation
  81. IC = integrated circuit
  82. ICT = information communication technology
  83. IDE = integrated drive electronics
  84. IM = instant messaging
  85. IMEI = international mobile equipment identity
  86. IP = intenet protocol
  87. ISO = international organizaion for standardization
  88. JPG = joint photographic experts group
  89. kbps = kilobits per second
  90. KG = kilogram
  91. KM = kilometer
  92. LAN = local area network
  93. LCD = liquid crystal display
  94. LED = light emitting diode
  95. LG = LG electronics
  96. Lt. = lieutenant
  97. ltd. = limited
  98. MAC = media access control
  99. MAN = metropolitan area network
  100. MHz = megahertz
  101. MPEG = motion picture experts group
  102. MPH = miles per hour
  103. NAT = network addrss translation
  104. OK = objected killed
  105. O.S = operating system
  106. PAN = permanent account number
  107. PC = personal computer
  108. PDA = personal digital assistant
  109. PEN = power enriched in nib
  110. PHP = hypertext preprocessor
  111. PM = post meridiem
  112. PPC = pay per click
  113. PPI = pixels per inch
  114. PPP = point -to-point protocol
  115. QS = quality assurance
  116. RIP = rest in peace
  117. SEO= search engine optimizaion
  118. SNS = social network site
  119. SOS= save our souls
  120. SQL = structured query language
  121. TB = terabytes
  122. TBps = terabytes per second

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