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What are the Seven C’s of Communication?

On the daily basis, how often do you communicate with people in the English language? And have you ever thought about how clear or successful your communication is? If not, you should now. Because let’s be honest, no matter how hard we try, there is always one thing or sometimes more (unfortunately) that we fail to make clear to our listener or reader. Do not worry; the seven C’s of communication are here to save the day just like Iron Man in the Avengers Endgame saved the day.

Thus, whether you are in a room full of English speakers or going to attend a TED talk, or have to write an official email, the seven C’s offers a checklist that helps you make sure your core message is conveyed.

According to the seven C’s, your communication has to be: clear, complete, concise, correct, courteous, concrete, and coherent.

What are the Seven C’s of Communication?

The seven principles of communication or the seven C’s are one of the most useful elements of English to make sure your communication is successful. To note that by successful communication, we mean that your core message is conveyed without any trouble.

The seven C’s are useful for not only verbal communication but also in written communication. All in all, they provide a simple structure to your communication.

Thus, if you want to improve your communication, let us dive in.

1. Completeness

Completeness in communication means that anything and everything is crystal clear to your audience. Your core message is communicated properly. Besides, your reader or listener has everything he requires. He has all the information and he knows when and how to take the action. And most important, your audience knows what you want from them.

Moreover, you should include all the important details such as names, dates, and figures. You can also make subdivisions of your main topic to make sure you cover everything.

2. Clarity

While communicating with someone, you should be clear about your goal. For instance, if you want your listener or reader to do something, be clear about it to yourself first. Besides, if you are not sure about what your main purpose is, your audience will lose interest.

To be clear, you can use:

  • plain and simple language
  • short sentences
  • simple and concrete words

Also, try to avoid cliche expressions and idioms. Moreover, keep it straight and to the point. You can also minimize the number of ideas in each paragraph. All in all, make sure your reader understands everything without any trouble.

3. Correctness

Undoubtedly, this C’s name itself explains it all. Anyways, correctness means that all the data that you provide should be correct. And the language that you use should be correct. Thus, try to avoid including any information that you are not sure about. Besides, in the end, double-check all the data to make sure everything is correct.

4. Conciseness

Have you ever felt like you have been lost in the flow of conversation? Or have you ever felt like you have stretched the conversation longer than you have done. Or else have you felt these for someone else?

If your answer is YES. Than, you may have experienced that the conversation gets boring soon enough. Besides, you loose interest in that conversation.

Therefore, it is better to keep conversations concise. You should only say what is needed to be said. Do not include stuff you think is important. To see if something is worth saying, ask yourself whether or not that certain idea is going to help improve your conversation. If you get NO as a reply then you should avoid that idea.

All in all, try to keep your message short, simple, and impactful.

5. Coherence

To bring coherence in your conversation, try to stay logical. Speak only if it is needed to be said. Moreover, try to maintain a flow of ideas in your writing and speaking. Make connection between the previous sentence or paragraph and the next sentence or paragraph.

6. Concreteness

Concreteness means that in your communication, there should not be any room left for misinterpretation for the listener or the reader. Your idea should be solid and clear. All the facts and figures should be mentioned clearly.

7. Courteous

Communication should be courteous means that it should be friendly and open. In your communication, try to avoid any passive aggression or critical expression that might disappoint the reader or listener. Your reader or your listener should understand that you genially care for them without even showing that by yourself.


On daily basis, all of us communicate for various purposes. And any failure in our communication can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is better to practice and improve our communication skills than regret later.

So, keep practicing the above seven C’s of communication and let us if you have any questions or need any sort of help in the comment section below.

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