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Qualities of The Best Essay – 10 Tips to Help You Write the Best Essay

Qualities of The Best Essay
Qualities of The Best Essay

Do you find essay writing difficult and boring? Do you want to surpass all of your classmates in essay writing and impress your teacher and fellows by your writing? If yes, then here are some best tips and tricks for you to have a glance at and just follow. Here are the qualities of the best essay you should follow to make your writing the best.

Most of the students find essay writing difficult, however, it is very easy by following only some easy tips and tricks suggested by professionals. Students find essay writing difficult because they have no idea about the ethics of it, the way of starting, concluding, and arranging their ideas. The majority of students have effective and sufficient information about different topics, but when it comes to essay writing they get stuck. The problem is that they don’t follow the rules and regulations of it. Indeed, they must know how to arrange their ideas according to the ethics of essay writing. So, in order to get rid of such problems, we have brought you some 10 best tips to an effective essay writing as follow:

10 Qualities of The Best Essay

1. Try to Comprehend The Title

The very first priority of effective writing is understanding the title and trying to find out its answer. Essay writing is like a question paper. Its title is the question and your ideas are the answers of them; therefore, you have to find out what you have been asked for not out of the boundary. Some students have this problem, they don’t perceive the title very well; therefore, they get stuck in the body paragraphs.

2. Use Transitions to Beautify and Make Stronger Sentences

In order to beautify and extend your points of view, try to use transitions. We have several transitions in the English language which help us to make our sentences clear and connected. The majority of the students make incomplete sentences because they don’t use transitions that beautify and make the reader way more interested and excited for exploring the essay. If you use transitions in your essays, then your essay will be clear and each paragraph will be linked with one another.

3. Write Quotations and Hooks

Similarly, quotes and hooks play essential roles in the qualities of the best essay writing. Mostly, hooks are preferred the most by readers because they want to find the answer of the twist through them. Hooks are written for the purpose of grabbing the attention of the readers. If you have a very interesting hook, then it will help you out to make your readers excited for the upcoming part. On the other hand, quotations can build up your paragraphs and make your readers perceive your ideas in a better way. If you want to start your essay with a quotation, then try to mention the name of the writer too; otherwise, it will be plagiarism and your essay will not be hit.

4. Avoid Plagiarism

What does plagiarism mean? Have you ever heard of it? Every content has a creator and if someone steals the content, then the creator has the right to claim a copyright strike on the person. Actually, plagiarism is the act of stealing the original work of someone else and using it as our own. When you write any quote, don’t skip to mention the writer’s name. It’s not only about quotations; In fact, if you are mentioning any poetry, facts, or reviews of prominent personalities, try to mention their names. Plagiarism is a clear and serious crime; therefore, try to avoid mentioning other’s reviews. If you don’t have any idea about the title given, try to paraphrase or rephrase their ideas on your own.

5. Write a Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement introduces your ideas to your readers. For instance; if you want to sell fruits and be beneficiary so, you have to praise your fruits and mention the advantages of them aside from their disadvantages. Similarly, you have to choose one side and discuss one aspect of the title in your essay. The way you have chosen is your “thesis statement” which must make everything clear for your reader. The thesis statement must be written very carefully because you will be building the rest of your paragraphs according to it.

6. Be Relevant

Indeed, relevance is the most essential thing in writing. Some of the students write out of the title’s boundary and complicate everything for the reader that’s why they misunderstand our reviews. Actually, their thesis statement is way different from their paragraphs because students discuss another topic out of boundary. In order to make our readers perceive our ideas, there must be a relation between our thesis statement and body paragraphs; otherwise, our essay will be a flop.

7. Arrangement of the Body Paragraphs

Every essay must contain three-paragraph except the introductory paragraph and conclusion. The beauty of your essay can be judged from the way you have arranged your paragraphs and it can be possible when your arrangement is great. If you want an effective essay, then you ought to put the most important points at first and then move ahead. Your essay must be like music. Firstly, it must start with a soft tune, then it should get stronger and should end gradually with the flow of the lyrics. Arrange your paragraphs in a way that the reader should perceive your ideas only by having a glance at your topic sentences.

8. Clarity

An essay includes several paragraphs so, each paragraph must discuss the different aspects of the topic clearly. Make sure the reader is comprehending each word and vocabulary; otherwise, it will lead to misunderstandings. Clarity of essay means trying to make the reader understand in a simple way, not making your essay complicated by using tough vocabularies and proverbs. Sometimes, a small mistake of yours can lead the reader to misunderstandings and can compel the reader to skip your essay; therefore, try to use simple words with clear meaning.

9. The Conclusion Must be the Reflection of the Introduction and Thesis Statement

The conclusion is the summary of the whole essay. You ought to summarize all the paragraphs in a short paragraph named,” conclusion” by rephrasing. The conclusion paragraph must be short, clear, and relevant. You have to rewrite the introductory paragraph’s main points in a short way; therefore, it is known as the reflection of the introductory paragraph.

10 Some (don’ts and do’s) of Essay Writing

  • In the thesis statement, don’t prefer both sides of the topic. It’s better to prefer one side.
  • Don’t complicate your ideas for the reader. Write in a simple way and clear.
  • Don’t skip mentioning the writer’s name while you write any quotation.
  • Don’t make incomplete sentences; instead, use transitions for a strong sentence.
  • Don’t use tough vocabularies, do use simple words because you will not be bothered to explain in detail.
  • Don’t make syntax errors and semantic errors. Focus on your spelling, grammatical problems, and the usage of the punctuation marks.
  • Talk generally in your essay. Don’t add your personal points of view like (I think that or I believe that); especially, if it is part of your examination paper.
  • The conclusion paragraph must be a summary of all the paragraphs. You shouldn’t include any additional and new points in it.
  • Your essay shouldn’t be less than 400 words. It should contain at least 4-5 paragraphs because the least words the least effect.

Everyone can write the best essay if the essay writer follows these 10 qualities of the best essay mentioned above. These were all tips and tricks of writing an essay, what do you think about the qualities of the best essay. Please feel free to write your feedback in the comment section below.

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