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Advanced Level Grammar Exercises With Answers

Do you want to score well in tests or write your assignments without any grammatical errors? If yes, you need to learn, practice, and master grammar structure. On Learnesl, you can find pretty much everything to help you level up the game. In the following article, we have listed advanced level grammar exercises with answers that you can practice to master grammar.

Initially, attempt the exercises yourself, give your answers, and then compare your answers with the given answers given below.

Advanced Level Grammar Exercises With Answers

Exercise 1

  1. Aliya said that she _______ (is not, was not) interested in going to the theater.
  2. Peter said that he _____ (would, will) help you in your essay.
  3. He is ______ (serious, seriously) resigning from his current job.
  4. If he _____ (had gone, went) to Paris, he would have visited his favorite coffee shop again.
  5. No one knows ______ (how, why) the company went bankrupt.
  6. Not for many hours ______ (could we solve, we could solve) the problem.
  7. About ten percent of the students _____ (is, are) failed in the last test.
  8. Ali is the person _____ (whom, who) is joining us next month.
  9. I could not imagine ____ (why, how) I would be able to tell her the whole story.
  10. Hassan does not know _____ (where, what) he should go.

Exercise 2

  1. If he had got the job, he _____ (would lived, would have lived) in Canada.
  2. That is the house my grandfather used to ____ (live, live in).
  3. The food here is considered too ____ (plane, plain) for outsiders.
  4. We use ______ (a few, little, some) before any countable noun.
  5. On hearing the incident, my mother burst _____ (in, into, to) tears.
  6. The person to _____ (which, whom) you can register you complain is currently not here.
  7. The laptop on the desk is _____ (what, which) he was looking for.
  8. I have got less than a week time to finish the project ______ (what, which) I have been putting off.
  9. The model auxiliary very that expresses deduction is ______ (might, must, can).
  10. _______ (However, Therefore, Moreover) is used to show the result.

Exercise 3

  1. ______ (go, going, go to) is a gerund.
  2. The football fans in the stadium were ____ (slight, slightly) less energetic in yesterday’s match.
  3. The kid is suffering from a _____ (heavy, huge) cold and flu. He should go home and take some rest.
  4. The party was awfully ____ (loud, noisy) yesterday.
  5. The man complained that the huge spider is still _____ (craving, crawling) on the wall.
  6. He has not yet come back from vacations, ____ (has he, hasn’t he)?
  7. Jack is the only guy I know _____ (who, whom) is capable for this position.
  8. She gave a very informative presentation. In _____ (particular, case, special) the part on design strategy.
  9. If we ______ (came, had come) earlier, we would have found a good seat.
  10. Her children are not as well-mannered ____ (as, like) yours.

Exercise 4

  1. One of the greatest inventions is _____ (a, the) computer.
  2. Reading fiction is very good ___ (in, for) imagination.
  3. One-fourth of the class ____ (has, has been) failed in the test.
  4. The bread and butter ____ (is, are) my favorite.
  5. Great quantities of the orders _____ (has been shipped, has shipped, have been shipped) in the last two days.
  6. Why he left the job ____ (does not, is not) clear yet.
  7. When and where to move _____ (has not been decided, has not decided) yet.
  8. What we currently need _____ (are, is) desks for the classrooms.
  9. More often what my friend says and what he does _____ (does not, do not) match.
  10. He and his brother _____ (are, is) both in the same school.

Exercise 5

  1. Six _____ (time, times) four ____ (are, is) twenty four.
  2. 4 July 1776 is the day _____ (that, when) we should remember.
  3. The news _____ (which, that) tomorrow is off is made up.
  4. We are surprised by the way _____ (in which, by which) she controlled everything.
  5. He must be given a warning ____ (whether, if) or not he likes it.
  6. He is Canadian ___ (that, and, which) I can tell from his accent.
  7. The city _____ (in which, in that) we live is beautiful and green.
  8. If I stay home tomorrow, I ____ (am, will) bring children home from school.
  9. She said that she enjoys her job, but she wishes she ____ (has not, did not) have to work so hard.
  10. She complained to me as if I _____ (were, am) responsible.

Exercise 1: Answers

  1. Aliya said that she was not interested in going to the theater.
  2. Peter said that he would help you with your essay.
  3. He is seriously resigning from his current job.
  4. If he had gone to Paris, he would have visited his favorite coffee shop again.
  5. No one knows why the company went bankrupt.
  6. Not for many hours could we solve the problem.
  7. About ten percent of the students are failed in the last test.
  8. Ali is the person who is joining us next month.
  9. I could not imagine how I would be able to tell her the whole story.
  10. Hassan does not know where he should go.

Exercise 2: Answers

  1. If he had got the job, he would have lived in Canada.
  2. That is the house my grandfather used to live in.
  3. The food here is considered too plain for outsiders.
  4. We use a few before any countable nouns.
  5. On hearing the incident, my mother burst into tears.
  6. The person to whom you can register you complain is currently not here.
  7. The laptop on the desk is what he was looking for.
  8. I have got less than a week time to finish the project which I have been putting off.
  9. The model auxiliary very that expresses deduction is a must.
  10. Therefore is used to show the result.

Exercise 3: Answers

  1. Going is a gerund.
  2. The football fans in the stadium were slightly less energetic in yesterday’s match.
  3. The kid is suffering from a heavy cold and flu. He should go home and take some rest.
  4. The party was awfully noisy yesterday.
  5. The man complained that the huge spider is still crawling on the wall.
  6. He has not yet come back from vacation, has he?
  7. Jack is the only guy I know who is capable of this position.
  8. She gave a very informative presentation. In particular the part on design strategy.
  9. If we had come earlier, we would have found a good seat.
  10. Her children are not as well-mannered as yours.

Exercise 4: Answers

  1. One of the greatest inventions is the computer.
  2. Reading fiction is very good for the imagination.
  3. One-fourth of the class has failed the test.
  4. The bread and butter are my favorite.
  5. Great quantities of the orders have been shipped in the last two days.
  6. Why he left the job is not clear yet.
  7. When and where to move has not been decided yet.
  8. What we currently need are desks for the classrooms.
  9. More often what my friend says and what he does do not match.
  10. He and his brother are both in the same school.

Exercise 5: Answers

  1. Six times four is twenty-four.
  2. 4 July 1776 is the day that we should remember.
  3. The news that tomorrow is off is made up.
  4. We are surprised by the way by which she controlled everything.
  5. He must be given a warning whether or not he likes it.
  6. He is Canadian which I can tell from his accent.
  7. The city in which we live is beautiful and green.
  8. If I stay home tomorrow, I will bring the children home from school.
  9. She said that she enjoys her job, but she wishes she did not have to work so hard.
  10. She complained to me as if I were responsible.

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