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Anchoring Script for Students Day in English

Anchoring Script for Students Day in English
Anchoring Script for Students Day in English

In order to promote education and rooted learning, people all around the world celebrate 15th October as students day every year. In the article below, you will learn about the background and history of students day, best students day and/or motivational quotes for students. Besides, there is an anchoring script to help host the best students day function if your school or college is celebrating the students day.

Students Day History

Learning is a lifetime process. A person should always be in search of knowledge as it is the only way to absolute liberty. So is academic education to some extent. Because education clears your view, builds up your personality and gives you clear future goals. As a student, you have probably, at some point in your academic career, wondered if there is any day dedicated to students only. To answer your question, I would like to tell you that yes there is.

Every year, 15th October is celebrated as the world students day all around the globe. Originally, 15th October was celebrated as the birthday of the former Indian president and the great scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Indian students immensely loved him for his services to Indian education. Besides, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam loved learning and teaching and that is exactly how he always wanted to be remembered after his death.

Due to his love for teaching and education, the United Nations declared APJ Abdul Kalam’s birthday as the world students day in 2010. Since then, 15th October is celebrated as the world students day across India. On this day, various functions and competitions such as quiz, science affairs, essay writing, speech or debate competition, group discussions, and elocution are arranged.

The Best Anchoring Script for Students Day

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

~Steve jobs

“Good Morning, everyone to this magnificent day. The galaxy of thinkers and bookworms, distinguished guests, honorable teachers, respected parents, and dear students, how lovely is this day. Because it not only marks down the celebration of world students day but also it symbolizes education and its importance in our lives.

Thus, dear audience, you may ultimately discover the glory of this beautiful day as the event gradually starts to blossom. Dear audience before we start the function, I would like to quote one of the most beautiful quotes of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam here. ”

Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place – that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize the great life.

~Dr. apj abdul Kalam

Greeting Guests

“Moving ahead, I feel pride in receiving this opportunity to welcome all the distinguished guests on this special occasion of the worlds students day. Thus, I, (insert your name here), on behalf of our school administrator, Mr. (insert name of the principal here), respected teachers, the school staff and my team, would like to give a gracious welcome to all of you to this glorious event.

Furthermore, I am extremely honored to welcome Mr. (name of the guest), the chief guest of today’s event. Thank you sr for giving us your precious time. Besides, I honestly feel that you merely require any introduction. But for those of you who do not know, Mr (insert name of the guest here) is an honorable member of XYZ organization which has been promoting education in the rural areas of XYZ country. And he is also the CEO of XYZ organization which funds the startups with great inspiration to contribute to the field of education. Once again sr, thank you for joining us today.

Moreover, I also feel privileged to welcome dear parents and my dear fellow students. Thank you all, ladies and gentlemen, for joining us on this beautiful and inspiring day! ”

Lord’s prayer

“Dear God, into your hands we place our worries and troubles. Into your Wisdom, we place our path, direction, and goals. Into your love, we place our lives.”

So, let’s begin this aspiring day with God’s prayers by (insert the name of the student here) from grade XYZ.

Thank you, (insert the name of the student here) for such a lovely prayer.

National Anthem



“Because no academic celebration is complete without the national anthem of our dear country, let’s all stand up to honor the gorgeous land of (insert the name of your country here). Besides, I would like to call (insert the name of the student here) and his team to sing the national anthem. And I would love to request you to join them”

“Thank you, (insert name of the singer and his team here). The performance was choreographed by (insert name of the choreographer here). Thank you, (insert name of the choreographer here).”

Welcome Tableau

“I hope you have not been bored. Even if you are feeling bored, you do not need to worry. Because it is time to have some fun and enjoy the glinting welcome performance of our little fairies of grade XYZ. So, let us welcome them on the stage with a big round of applause.”

“Wow! It was such a soulful show. Taking this moment, I would like to thank (insert the name of the choreographer here) for choreographing this beautiful performance of our talented angles of grade XYZ.”


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

~Melcolm X

Dear audience, it is time for our speaker to share his view about the given topic. So let us call him on the stage with a big round of applause.”

“Thank you, (insert name of the speaker here) from grade XYZ.”

Drama Performance



“Drama is important. With some drama, we can loudly speak our views and share our messages without even using the conventional way of conversation.”

With that being said, I would like to call upon (insert the name of the student here) and his team for their drama performance on the importance of education in this fast-growing world.

“Thank you, guys. It was a soulful performance.”

Calling the Principal on Stage

“I am very honored to request the respected principal (insert the name of the principal of the school here) of (insert name of the school here) on the stage. Sir, you hardly need any introduction. We are all proud of you and your extinguished hard work in the field of education and child labor. So, may we please have you on the stage.”

“Thank you, Sir. for your most gracious words.”


“Thank you, everyone, for your tolerance and valuable time. We are greatly happy to have you all here today to celebrate education and students day. Moreover, we appreciate your valuable time and patience you have shown today. Also, I would like to thank our guests (insert the name of the guest here) for giving his valuable time to sparkle our event.

Coming to the end of the day, on behalf of my team, I wish you all every happiness, success, and peace!”

Also Read:

10 Best Students Day Quotes

  1. Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”  ~ John Wooden
  2. “Strive for progress, not perfection.”  ~ Unknown
  3. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”  ~Steve Jobs
  4. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”  ~ Beverly Sills
  5. “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”  ~Henry Ford
  6. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  ~Steve Jobs
  7. “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?”  ~Steve Jobs
  8. “If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.”  ~Elon Musk
  9. “Confidence and Hard-work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a successful person.”  ~APJ Abdul Kalam
  10. “I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.”  ~Steve Jobs

So that is it for the anchoring script for the students day. If you have any questions or suggestion, you can let us know down below by dropping a comment in the comment section.

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