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How to Welcome Students Back To School/College After Covid-19 | Speech, Policies, and Safeguards

The educational system has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and it has caused closures of schools, colleges, and universities. Most countries decided to temporarily close educational academies in an attempt to stop the spread of Covid-19. As of January 2021, approximately 825 million students are affected because of educational institutes’ closures. According to UNICEF monitoring, the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted about 47 percent of the world’s student population. After the invention of the Covid-19 vaccine, the spread of Covid-19 has been reduced in many countries and most countries decided to reopen their educational institutes amid strict Covid-19 SOPS. This article helps you how to welcome students back to school/college after Covid-19 with a control and prevention guide.

How to Welcome Students Back To School/College After Covid-19

Welcome Notes:

Good morning to everyone present here, our staff members, teachers, and all students. After many days of silent and empty classrooms, I am so delighted today to welcome you all back to the institute. And it’s wonderful to see your shining faces and smiling eyes above your face masks. As we begin on campus studying, I have to take a moment to issue some friendly challenges, share some essential reminders and priorities in order to start the learning process again smoothly.

Initially, I want to thank all the parents, who prepared their children to come back to school also teachers and guardians who helped and had a big impact to make today seem a positive start. In fact, everyone present here and every member of this campus community has now a huge responsibility to keep the campus safe and make the premises safe and secure for the coming months. Since this is our common home hence, we should all feel our responsibilities and together we can make our academy a safe and healthy place for us to thrive.

Certainly, we have some protocols and routines to become addicted to being able to begin school once again positively. Now I want to deliver some messages and brief reminders of our key safeguards, as well as some tips and I, hope you will follow and promise to do your part.

School Safeguards

Together as staff members, all students, and families, we can make our campus safe and healthy to thrive and continue the process of learning. We want all learners to feel safe and cared for meanwhile follow the following safeguards recommended by public health experts.

1. Mask

Wear masks indoors everywhere in the classroom, campus, and when 6 feet distance can’t be maintained between you and others. When necessary wear masks outdoor too when you will be closer to others, walking around campus, or sitting outdoors with others.

2. Keeping Social Distancing

As much as possible try to maintain at least 6 feet of distance everywhere, including classrooms, library, campus, while eating or studying in an empty room. Instead of walking in groups, try to stay spread and when entering buildings or campus in a group, it would be better to break into smaller groups to move around.

3. Hand Sanitizing

Wash your hands frequently or after touching any substances. You can also use the hand sanitizer stations place within the premises of the school. After using a common area like classrooms, kitchen, sports equipment, bathroom or washroom try to use the disinfectant spray and paper towels available and clean the surfaces you have touched.

4. Meetings and Events

Only groups of 12 people or fewer are allowed to meet in person and meetings have to be virtual. It’s recommended to keep social distancing and wear masks when meeting, talking and walking. Events are virtual in the coming months, and no in-person functions will be held on computers.

5. Monitoring Your Health

There is a campus clear team to monitor your health and check your temperature daily if possible. You should understand the symptoms of Covid-19 and contact the student health center immediately if you experience any symptoms of Covid-19.


To further enhance and make better the safety process at the campus, we have improved the flow of external air in the entire building to give everyone greater confidence and minimize the risk to our health, safety, and wellbeing. Eventually, I want to thank everyone in today’s entry to the learning academy, our staff members, students, parents, and other family members. We are so glad to be back. Once again I am reminding you to follow the safety tips I mentioned to keep everyone on their toes and be healthy.

Motivational Quotes for Students

  1. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. (by Christian D. Larson)
  2. Intelligence plus character, that is the true goal of education. (by Martin Luther King JR.)
  3. Teaching is leaving a vestige of oneself in the development of another and surely the student is a bank where you can despite your most precious treasure. (by Eugene P. Bertin)
  4. Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. (by Arnold Schwarzenegger)
  5. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. (by Unknown)

This article is written just to give you a clue on how to welcome back students back to school or college, you can get the script and edit it to make it relevant to your own requirements. In addition, we recommended you read the following articles.

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